I worked on the FuelBalance app, which helps users calculate fuel consumption and compare it with prices to find the most cost-efficient way to drive. My brother developed the app, while I handled the design and branding. I created the app’s logo, designed the landing page, and made the visual content for the App Store and Google Play. The main illustration was based on an Envato foundation that I adapted to match the app’s overall style.
You can download the app on App Store.
UX Design & Development arturkepa.com

This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work!

Please upgrade today!

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { const flyingImage = document.getElementById("flying-image-container"); window.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event) { const mouseX = event.clientX; const mouseY = event.clientY; flyingImage.style.left = mouseX + "px"; flyingImage.style.top = mouseY + "px"; }); });